[1] Big Chungus Joins The Battle

                                     AND IN THIS CORNER

  WEIGHING 310 POUNDS (140 Kilograms)

I ain’t even going front I’m a big boy right now.

I used to be in amazing shape and when coronavirus happened I was locked inside my house a lot which lead to over eating and not working out. My motivation hit the floor over time and its honestly been a struggle to get a nice routine going ever since.

Thats why Im excited to start this blog and share my fitness progress. I already feel more motivated just typing this out, but hey still gotta put the work in. Consistency is key!

So what am I personally aiming for? tbh I got 3 goals in mind:

             1. Better Sex

      2. More Stamina

              3. Reaching 200 Pounds

Slow and steady wins the race is the mentality I want to embody for the next couple years. For next week Ill be sharing a meal or two and what workouts I been doing. I’m always happy to hear others feedback or ideas, but end of the day going to listen to my own body and push myself accordingly.

till next week see ya monkeys later!


[2] Fast 2 Furious